CAREL Manuals

CAREL - 3 ENG Passive probe man. 030220655 - rel. 1.1 - 05.02.2009 IMPORTANT CAREL

This file is a user manual for Carel products, introduces the characteristics and usage methods of the products.

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The PJ32 easy refrigeration controller from Tempatron Ltd is specifically designed for the management of refrigerated units, display cases, and chilled showcases. It is available in versions with 1, 2, and 3 relay outputs, and comes with preset configurations for different applications.

File format: PDF Size:249 KB

CAREL temperature humidity sensor user manual

This manual introduces the features and characteristics of CAREL temperature and humidity sensors (AS series), including different types, codes and accessories, installation methods, technical parameters, etc.

File format: PDF Size:463 KB

CAREL sensor Manual

This document describes the features and characteristics of Carel products, including power requirements, input/output types, measurement accuracy, etc.

File format: PDF Size:680 KB

CAREL ir33 platform user manual

ir33 platform user manual, introduces the features and characteristics of ir33 platform products

File format: PDF Size:788 KB

CAREL pCO1 Meter user manual

This manual introduces the features and characteristics of the pCO1 series products and their usage methods, including the hardware structure of pCO1, installation, user hand operation, pLAN local area network, optional cards and other content.

File format: PDF Size:1023 KB

CAREL pCOxs user manual

pCOxs is a temperature, humidity and pressure monitoring and control controller. It can be connected to an Ethernet or Analog Bus Network and displays data via a graphic display screen or 4x20 or 6 LED displays. pCOxs can be programmed and configured via PCO hand controllers.

File format: PDF Size:883 KB

