MICROCHIP PIC16F785/HV785 CMOS microcontroller handbook
This datasheet describes the PIC16F785/HV785 devices, which are 20-pin 8-bit CMOS Flash microcontrollers that feature dual phase asynchronous feedback PWM, dual high-speed comparators, and dual operational amplifiers.
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MICROCHIP PICI18F8722 handbook
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MICROCHIP dsPIC33FJ32MC302/304 dsPIC33FJ64MCX02/X04 dsPIC33FJ128MCX02/X04 super 16 pin digital signal controller handbook
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MICROCHIP pic12f635/pic16f636/639 handbook(2)
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MICROCHIP PIC10F220/222 6 pin 8 pin flash microcontroller handbook
This document is the datasheet of a 6-pin 8-bit flash MCU
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MICROCHIP dsPIC33FJ32GP302/304 dsPIC33FJ64GPX02/X04 dsPIC33FJ128GPX02/X04 super 16 pin digital signal controller handbook
This document is a datasheet for the dsPIC33FJ series digital signal controllers from Microchip. The datasheet describes the features and characteristics of models such as dsPIC33FJ32GP302/304, dsPIC33FJ64GPX02/X04, and dsPIC33FJ128GPX02/X04.
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MICROCHIP dsPIC30F2010 handbook
This datasheet provides detailed information about the dsPIC30F2010 28-pin high-performance digital signal controller (DSC).
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MICROCHIP MCP1256/7/8/9 Manual
The MCP1256/7/8/9 is a low-power, low-dropout 3.3V boost charge pump with sleep/bypass modes that can provide up to 100 mA of output current. The device features automatic 1.5x and 2x boost mode switching for high conversion efficiency. Additionally, in light load conditions, the MCP1256/7 can be set to sleep mode to further reduce the device's static current while maintaining a stable output. The MCP1258/9, on the other hand, provides a bypass mode that can connect the input voltage directly to the output. Thus, the MCP1258 or MPC1259 can provide bias voltage to real-time clocks, microcontrollers, or other system devices while consuming virtually no current.
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MICROCHIP dspic30f2011/2012/3012/3013 super 16 pin digital signal controller handbook
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MICROCHIP AN908 makeusedsPIC30F alternating induce Motor vector control Manual
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MICROCHIP dsPIC30F2010 controller handbook
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MICROCHIP dsPIC33FJXXXGPX06/X08/X10 super 16 pin digital signal controller handbook(1)
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MICROCHIP dsPIC33FJXXXGPX06/X08/X10 super 16 pin digital signal controller handbook(1)(1)
This document is a datasheet for the dsPIC33FJXXXGPX06/X08/X10 digital signal controllers from Microchip Technology Inc. The datasheet describes the high-performance, 16-bit features and characteristics of the product.
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MICROCHIP dsPIC33FJ32MC302/304 dsPIC33FJ64MCX02/X04 dsPIC33FJ128MCX02/X04 digital signal controller handbook
This is a datasheet that introduces the characteristics and usage methods of three high-performance 16-bit digital signal controllers, dsPIC33FJ32MC302/304, dsPIC33FJ64MCX02/X04 and dsPIC33FJ128MCX02/X04.
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MICROCHIP PIC24FJ128GA series handbook(1)
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MICROCHIP MPLAB C18 C compiler user guide
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MICROCHIP 9A high-speed MOSFET driver TC4421/TC4422 Manual
The TC4421/TC4422 is a high peak output current 9A, wide input supply voltage working range 4.5V to 18V, high continuous output current 2A (maximum), fast rise and fall, short transmission delay time, small supply current, low output impedance, locking protection, input end can withstand a maximum of 5V of negative input, with TC4420/TC4429 6A MOSFET driver pin compatible, space-saving 8-pin 6x5 DFN package high current buffer / driver that can drive large power MOSFET and IGBT.
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MICROCHIP MCP2510 Manual(1)
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MICROCHIP PIC16F630/676 14 pin flash 8 pin CMOS microcontroller handbook
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